Every morning the same thing. You all ask for frozen waffles…and sigh when I tell you I’ve forgotten to get them at the store. Lily my tiny eater, you ask for something like popcorn, doritos or gummy bears. No my love, not for breakfast…then you throw a tantrum contrary to your petite stature.
All three of you settle on cereal, or toast or if Mama’s in a particularly good mood, freshly made muffins. Whatever the choices are, you all sit at the kitchen table and talk. You never mind starting the morning together…all three of you deep in conversation about all sorts of silliness. Most days I don’t even know what you are talking about, hearing random words swirling about mixed in with Lily’s baby babble songs. Life is so interesting at 3, 5 and 7 years old.
Three bowls of cereal later, I scurry you off to get dressed for school. You’ll have lots of time to talk later…