
Can you feel it? Spring is right around the corner…just a few more days…two weeks ago CA got snow flurries and this week we had to put on sunscreen. The beauty of one of my favorite seasons is upon us. I can’t wait…why?

1. I love photographing outdoors…all. the. time! A little bit of rain doesn’t scare me 🙂 Right now I have a date with a field full of yellow flowers and my beautiful long haired 3 year old. Must go before someone decides the flowers need to be removed!

2. Next month I will be holding Mother’s Day Mini Sessions! I’m really hoping they will be a blessing to some amazing Mothers. Stay tuned for details…

3. Home renovations start! Our house gets a new coat of paint, my kitchen gets a color overhaul and my furniture gets new identities. I hope to blog it all and get some tips in the process (because I definitely don’t see myself giving home decorating tips!!)

In the mean time…go visit one of my favorite blogs in the entire webosphere, In The Fun Lane! Holly, the blog owner and amazing decorator, helped me out with a design question I had. She’s a super sweet girl with amazing taste in furniture!

ps. You may have noticed my new nifty connection buttons on the left of the blog! Click either of the buttons to connect with me through facebook or twitter!

come find me on IG!

Photography for Oklahoma's Families