Category Archives: Project – February Photo A Day

photo a day: 8

{Every February I set out to take one photo, each day, of one or all of my children. It’s a personal project I look forward to every year and enjoy very much. Thank you for stopping by!}

photo a day: 6

{Every February I set out to take one photo, each day, of one or all of my children. It’s a personal project I look forward to every year and enjoy very much. Thank you for stopping by!} This is one that’s killing me not posting in color 🙂

photo a day: 5

{Every February I set out to take one photo, each day, of one or all of my children. It’s a personal project I look forward to every year and enjoy very much. Thank you for stopping by!}   Gilbert. Gilby. Gilbs. Gilberto. Puppy. Doggie. Bath Hater. Bath Needer. Barker. Jumper. Whatever…we love him.

photo a day: 4

{Every February I set out to take one photo, each day, of one or all of my children. It’s a personal project I look forward to every year and enjoy very much. Thank you for stopping by!}

photo a day: 3

What I love about this project is that each day I’m constantly on the hunt to take “today’s photo.” This picture isn’t at all what I thought I would post today, but I saw a moment that happens a lot around here and I knew it was for today.

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Photography for Oklahoma's Families