Category Archives: Homeschool

February 13th, 2018

13/28 Every night we give our kids hours to read before they have to fall asleep. We’ve been doing this since before they could read, when they could only look at picture books or use that time to draw, color or scribble half-words in a child sized journal. We set out to raise readers and that...

February 2nd, 2018

2/28 Once a week the kids attend fun classes with other homeschooled children. They learn about art, science, math, geography, sewing, improv, language arts, etc. The classes don’t take the place of what they learn at home, but they most definitely compliment it. I am forever grateful to their English teacher, a woman who teaches...

Our stack of books – what we’re reading in March

    If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he reads. –Ralph Waldo Emerson   What fills a homeschool mom’s mind? Books. Do we actually get to read the books? Maybe 🙂 But what is really happening is constant researching what to read next, what to recommend to my kids...

February 23rd, 2017

{Each day in February I will be posting a black and white image of my kids (just one or all three!) This is a personal project I take on every year. Thank you for stopping by!} Do you ever hear this in a day? Look mom! Look mom! Mom look! You’re gonna miss it! Well…this...

February 20th, 2017

{Each day in February I will be posting a black and white image of my kids (just one or all three!) This is a personal project I take on every year. Thank you for stopping by!}   They are making me a buffet for the kitchen. I can’t wait to share it when they finish!...

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Photography for Oklahoma's Families