Just me…

…and her of course. Now that the older kids are back in school, she’s my little buddy during the day. It has been forever since I took a photo with me in it. I was thinking about when I did my 52 week project and how much fun it was. I have yet to make an album out of those photos, but I have put my 28 day photos in a beautiful book.  February is right around the corner and I’m excited to take on the challenge again of taking a photo every day of my kids and blogging it here.

I’m making some commitments here. No matter how many people read this blog (which I know there are at least a couple! Thanks Family!! lol) I am going to post more, share some FAQ’s and photoshop tips. 2011 is a year of learning for me and for others…I really feel it. I’ve already agreed to mentor one person this upcoming month (super exciting!) and I hope to help other young photographers or “momtographers” as well. When I just started out a few awesome photographers answered my questions and one basically taught me everything I needed to know. There’s no way I’m going to turn down others who truly want to learn. I plan on taking some workshops this year as well.

If you have any feedback for me, things you would like to see more of on the blog, anything I can share, shoot me an email or find me on facebook!

I’m really looking forward to what this year as in store for all of us…

come find me on IG!

Photography for Oklahoma's Families