Do not be deceived…

As much as I love this photo……………’s a total sham. …and to be honest, I don’t even love it as much as I love these ones… 🙂 🙂 PS. Mother’s Day is next month! An amazing gift would be a gift certificate for a photo session. Shoot me an email if you want more info!...

Come Back…(Sacramento Newborn Photographer)

This was my third time photographing this family! (here and here.) I was so very happy to hear from them that they were expecting another baby girl and could I come and photograph their family again. Of course! My most favorite thing to do is photographing repeat clients. I get to see little ones grow...

So Wanted…

I walked into her little nursery, painted pink and white and all things feminine. A pink flower sat on a shelf and butterflies hung overhead as she slept. Long drapes that held back the harsh sun covered a window that surely she will look out and dream of the world that will no doubt open...

Lego Man…

Daddy brought down a box from the attic. A box that he had long forgotten about, one that would bring a huge smile to our kids’ faces…especially our boy. Dozens of Lego men, Lego horses, shields and weapons and a castle to house them all. I think the kids played for two days straight. That,...

Pictures in a Parking Lot…(Sacramento Family Photographer)

I’ve realized I have quite a few photo sessions over the past few months that I have never come back to blog! Shame on me! So get ready, I’m going to start blasting the blog with families! (At least I will try!) So here’s one of my favorite families (and close friends!) that I had...

Photography for Oklahoma's Families

come find me on IG!

Published in Click Magazine
Member of ClickPro
Featured on Lemonade and Lenses
Featured on Beyond the Wanderlust
9 best photographers sacramento