Category Archives: Project – February Photo A Day

February 8th, 2017

Our kids go to bed early for children their age (and for homeschooled kids who can sleep in everyday!) But the reason we’ve always had early bedtimes is because we encourage their reading/drawing/writing/alone time after dark. Do you ever remember reading a wonderful book, deep into the night, under your covers maybe with a flashlight?...

February 7th, 2017

{Each day in February I will be posting a black and white image of my kids (just one or all three!) This is a personal project I take on every year. Thank you for stopping by!} I actually took this photo two days ago, but I was saving it for today. I knew I would...

February 4th, 2017

Each day in February I will be posting a black and white image of my kids (just one or all three!) This is a personal project I take on every year. Thank you for stopping by!

come find me on IG!

Photography for Oklahoma's Families